3#include <game/framework/f_profile_name.hpp>
11#define CUSTOM_BASE_PROFILE(profName, className, executeOrder, drawOrder) void *className##_classInit() { return new className(); } \
12 fProfile::fBaseProfile_c g_profile_##profName = { &className##_classInit, executeOrder, drawOrder }
16#define CUSTOM_ACTOR_PROFILE(profName, className, executeOrder, drawOrder, properties) void *className##_classInit() { return new className(); } \
17 const fProfile::fActorProfile_c g_profile_##profName = { &className##_classInit, executeOrder, drawOrder, properties }
23#define BASE_PROFILE(profName, className) CUSTOM_BASE_PROFILE(profName, className, fProfile::profName, fProfile::DRAW_ORDER::profName);
29#define ACTOR_PROFILE(profName, className, properties) CUSTOM_ACTOR_PROFILE(profName, className, fProfile::profName, fProfile::DRAW_ORDER::profName, properties);
54 void *(*mpClassInit)();
char * dProf_getName(ProfileName profName)
[Unused]. Obtains a string representing the profile name.
u16 ProfileName
The name of a profile. Value is a fProfile::PROFILE_NAME_e.
The total number of profiles.
For all profile related structures.
A set of basic information needed to construct an actor base.
u32 mActorProperties
Various actor-related properties.
A set of basic information needed to construct a generic base.
u16 mDrawOrder
The draw priority of the base. Lower values mean higher priority.
u16 mExecuteOrder
The execution priority of the base. Lower values mean higher priority.