A decompilation of New Super Mario Bros. Wii
No Matches
Todo List
Fill this.
Member dMj2dGame_c::mCurrentPathNode
Member dMj2dGame_c::setCSEnemyWalkDir (int world, int enemy, u8 direction)
Turn the value list into an enum and move it to the appropriate section once decompiled.
Member fBaHelper_c::Delete ()
Document this method.
Member fBaHelper_c::Load (int)
Document this method.
Member fBaHelper_c::LoadOnlyOne ()
Document this method.
Class fBase_c
Link to unused relocation system article when it gets written.
Member fProfile::fActorProfile_c::mActorProperties
Document the bitfield.
Member MESSAGE_e
Fill this.
Member mFaderBase_c::FLAG_e
Figure out what these do.
Class mVec2_c
Add EGG::vector2f operators.
Class mVec3_c
Add EGG::vector3f operators.
Module profile
Add a link to the profile name list when it gets decompiled.