A decompilation of New Super Mario Bros. Wii
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fBase_c Class Reference

#include <dol/framework/f_base.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for fBase_c:


The base class for all scenes, actors and various other processes.


fBase_c defines the core elements of a process, to provide common behaviour across all bases.

The most significant components are:

  • mUniqueID, a unique identifier for every created base.
  • mParam, a 32-bit value used to configure the base. For profiles representing Reggie sprites, this field is equivalent to nybbles 5-12 of the Reggie sprite data.
  • mProfName, an identifier for the base's profile.
  • mGroupType, which specifies the base's group type (see Inheritance and Group Types for more details).
  • The class embeds an instance of fManager_c, which manages most of the base's lifecycle.
  • The other fields are also related to the base's lifecycle or are entirely unused.

Creating Bases

A base can be created by calling the createRoot or the createChild functions. Derivative classes offer their own implementations of these functions with additional parameters available; their use is recommended.

Overloaded new and delete operators are provided for convenience.

Deleting Bases

Bases can be deleted by calling deleteRequest on them. A base will be informed of its impending deletion when its deleteReady method is called. Please note that deleting a base will delete all its children as well.

Iterating Bases

A small iteration API is provided:

For conducting global base searches, please refer to fManager_c.

Inheritance and Group Types

The mGroupType field offers basic type information about a base:

  • Bases with group type OTHER are generic processes, and inherit from dBase_c.
  • Bases with group type SCENE are scene profiles, and inherit from dScene_c.
  • Bases with group type ACTOR are game entities, and inherit from dBaseActor_c.

No bases inherit fBase_c directly.

Base Lifecycle

The lifecycle of a base consists of multiple operations, whose behaviour can be overridden at any point. Each operation has an associated linked list, containing all bases for which said operation is scheduled for the current frame. fBase_c (and fManager_c) manage operation scheduling internally, therefore developer interaction is not required.

Operations can be disabled globally by setting the m_StopProcInf flag in fManager_c.

Operation Flow

Every operation is composed by three steps: pre , do and post (each with their own methods). While the do method is generally reserved for profile-specific behaviour, the pre and post methods are commonly used to supply shared behaviour in base classes.

The pre and do steps return a PACK_RESULT_e value, which is converted to a MAIN_STATE_e value to determine the result of the operation. Said value is then passed to the post method, which acts accordingly.

pre step result do step result post argument

Operations are carried out by the commonPack function.

Core Operations

fBase_c defines five core operations:

  • create runs immediately after construction, and can be used to set up the base or load resources for it. The operation result leads to three possible outcomes:
    • If the operation result is SUCCESS, the base enters the main execution cycle.
    • If the operation result is CANCELED or WAITING, the operation is repeated the next frame.
    • If the operation result is ERROR, the base is deleted.
  • execute serves as the base's own main loop, running every frame. This operation can be skipped by enabling the relevant PROC_DISABLE_e flag.
  • draw offers an alternative main loop specifically for rendering code. It also runs every frame, and can be skipped by enabling the relevant PROC_DISABLE_e flag.
  • delete runs immediately before destruction, and can be used to deallocate resources or remove links to other bases. This operation will not proceed until all the base's children are deleted.
  • connect is an internal operation for process management that runs along the previous four; bases should not override it. See connectProc for more information on the tasks carried out in this operation.

The lifecycle of a base.

Unused Content

  • sLoadAsyncCallback and sUnloadCallback are presumably related to the scrapped relocatable profile system (more details here). These callbacks are set to empty placeholder functions by dBase_c::initLoader. Judging by their names, they were supposed to be called after a profile module would have been loaded/unloaded.
  • Each base supports having its own heap. The heap name, translated from Japanese, is Heap that each process can have individually (fBase_c::mHeap). Two working methods for creating this heap are still in the game (entryFrmHeap, entryFrmHeapNonAdjust), but are unused. This per-base allocation method was most likely discontinued in favour of mAllocator_c and its derivatives.
  • Two additional unused list-like structures are present in the class: mpUnusedHelper and mUnusedList. Since the symbols for the related functions have not yet been cracked, it's difficult to tell what their purpose might have been.

    Link to unused relocation system article when it gets written.

Definition at line 117 of file f_base.hpp.

Public Types

enum  LIFECYCLE_e {
 The possible lifecycle states. More...
enum  GROUP_TYPE_e {
 The possible group types. More...
enum  MAIN_STATE_e {
 The possible operation results. More...
enum  PACK_RESULT_e {
 The possible operation step results. More...
enum  PROC_DISABLE_e {
 Controls if the execute and draw operations should be skipped. More...

Public Member Functions

 fBase_c ()
 Constructs a new base.
void deleteRequest ()
 Requests deletion of the base.
fBase_cgetConnectParent () const
 Gets the base's parent.
fBase_cgetConnectChild () const
 Gets the base's first child.
fBase_cgetConnectBrNext () const
 Gets the base's next sibling.
bool checkChildProcessCreateState () const
 Checks if the base has at least one child in the CREATING state.

Static Public Member Functions

static void * operator new (size_t)
 new operator override for all bases.
static void operator delete (void *)
 delete operator override for all bases.
static fBase_ccreateChild (ProfileName profName, fBase_c *parent, unsigned long param, u8 groupType)
 Creates a child base under the given parent.
static fBase_ccreateRoot (ProfileName profName, unsigned long param, u8 groupType)
 Creates a root base.

Public Attributes

fBaseID_e mUniqueID
 The base's unique identifier.
u32 mParam
 A bitfield that configures the base's behaviour. [Represents nybbles 5 to 12 of Reggie's spritedata].
ProfileName mProfName
 The base's profile name.

Protected Member Functions

bool isProcControlFlag (u8 flag) const
 Checks if a flag is set in mProcControl.
void setProcControlFlag (u8 flag)
 Sets a flag in mProcControl.
void clearProcControlFlag (u8 flag)
 Clears a flag in mProcControl.
virtual int create ()
 do method for the create operation.
virtual int preCreate ()
 pre method for the create operation.
virtual void postCreate (MAIN_STATE_e state)
 post method for the create operation.
virtual int doDelete ()
 do method for the delete operation.
virtual int preDelete ()
 pre method for the delete operation.
virtual void postDelete (MAIN_STATE_e state)
 post method for the delete operation.
virtual int execute ()
 do method for the execute operation.
virtual int preExecute ()
 pre method for the execute operation.
virtual void postExecute (MAIN_STATE_e state)
 post method for the execute operation.
virtual int draw ()
 do method for the draw operation.
virtual int preDraw ()
 pre method for the draw operation.
virtual void postDraw (MAIN_STATE_e state)
 post method for the draw operation.
virtual void deleteReady ()
 Informs the base that it's about to be deleted.
virtual bool entryFrmHeap (unsigned long size, EGG::Heap *parentHeap)
 [Unused]. Creates a heap of the given size for the base.
virtual bool entryFrmHeapNonAdjust (unsigned long size, EGG::Heap *parentHeap)
 [Unused]. Creates a heap of the given size for the base.
virtual bool createHeap ()
 [Unused]. [Does nothing].
virtual ~fBase_c ()
 Destroys the base.

Protected Attributes

u8 mLifecycleState
 The base's lifecycle state. Value is a LIFECYCLE_e.
bool mDeleteRequested
 If deletion of the base was requested, but the corresponding operation has not been scheduled yet.
bool mDeferExecute
 If the create operation was completed, but scheduling the execute and draw operations isn't possible at this time.
bool mDeferRetryCreate
 If the create operation has not been completed, and rescheduling it isn't possible at this time.
u8 mGroupType
 The base's group type. Value is a GROUP_TYPE_e.
u8 mProcControl
 The operations to be skipped. Value is a PROC_DISABLE_e.
fManager_c mMng
 The base's process manager.
 [Unused]. See Unused Content.
fLiMgBa_c mUnusedList
 [Unused]. See Unused Content.
 [Unused]. The base's dedicated heap.

Static Protected Attributes

static int(* sLoadAsyncCallback )()
 [Unused]. See Unused Content.
static void(* sUnloadCallback )()
 [Unused]. See Unused Content.

Private Member Functions

int createPack ()
 Executes the create operation. See commonPack.
int deletePack ()
 Executes the delete operation. See commonPack.
int executePack ()
 Executes the execute operation. See commonPack.
int drawPack ()
 Executes the draw operation. See commonPack.
int commonPack (int(fBase_c::*doFunc)(), int(fBase_c::*preFunc)(), void(fBase_c::*postFunc)(MAIN_STATE_e))
 Executes an operation. See here for more details.
int connectProc ()
 Executes the connect operation.
void runCreate ()
 Kickstarts the base's lifecycle by running the create operation.
fBase_cgetChildProcessCreateState () const
 Gets a child of the base in the CREATING state.

Static Private Member Functions

static void setTmpCtData (ProfileName profName, fTrNdBa_c *connectParent, unsigned long param, u8 groupType)
 Sets temporary data to be used for the next base's construction.
static fBase_cfBase_make (ProfileName profName, fTrNdBa_c *connectParent, unsigned long param, u8 groupType)
 Internal function for base construction.

Static Private Attributes

static fBaseID_e m_rootUniqueID = BASE_ID_FIRST
 Unique ID counter for base construction. See mUniqueID.
static u32 m_tmpCtParam
 Temporary storage for the next constructed base's params. See mParam.
static ProfileName m_tmpCtProfName
 Temporary storage for the next constructed base's profile name. See mProfName.
static u8 m_tmpCtGroupType
 Temporary storage for the next constructed base's group type. See mGroupType.
static fTrNdBa_cm_tmpCtConnectParent
 Temporary storage for the next constructed base's parent connect node.

Member Enumeration Documentation


The possible lifecycle states.


The base's create operation has yet to conclude.


The base is in the main execution cycle.


The base's delete operation is about to run.

Definition at line 121 of file f_base.hpp.


The possible group types.


The base is a generic process.


The base is a scene.


The base is an actor.

Definition at line 128 of file f_base.hpp.


The possible operation results.


The operation was canceled early.


The operation could not be completed.


The operation was completed successfully.


The operation is waiting for something and cannot be completed yet.

Definition at line 135 of file f_base.hpp.


The possible operation step results.


The step could not completed at this time.


The step was completed successfully.


The step could not be completed.

Definition at line 143 of file f_base.hpp.


Controls if the execute and draw operations should be skipped.


Execution is disabled, and this is a root base.


Execution is disabled.


Drawing is disabled, and this is a root base.


Drawing is disabled.

Definition at line 150 of file f_base.hpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ fBase_c()

fBase_c::fBase_c ( )

Constructs a new base.

Definition at line 15 of file f_base.cpp.

◆ ~fBase_c()

fBase_c::~fBase_c ( )

Destroys the base.

Definition at line 57 of file f_base.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

◆ isProcControlFlag()

bool fBase_c::isProcControlFlag ( u8  flag) const

Checks if a flag is set in mProcControl.

Definition at line 185 of file f_base.hpp.

◆ setProcControlFlag()

void fBase_c::setProcControlFlag ( u8  flag)

Sets a flag in mProcControl.

Definition at line 187 of file f_base.hpp.

◆ clearProcControlFlag()

void fBase_c::clearProcControlFlag ( u8  flag)

Clears a flag in mProcControl.

Definition at line 189 of file f_base.hpp.

◆ operator new()

void * fBase_c::operator new ( size_t  size)

new operator override for all bases.

Bases are allocated in mHeap::g_gameHeaps[0] in a top-down direction, and are zero-initialized.

Definition at line 438 of file f_base.cpp.

◆ operator delete()

void fBase_c::operator delete ( void *  mem)

delete operator override for all bases.

Definition at line 446 of file f_base.cpp.

◆ create()

int fBase_c::create ( )

do method for the create operation.

A PACK_RESULT_e value.

Reimplemented in dControllerInformation_c, and dYesNoWindow_c.

Definition at line 88 of file f_base.cpp.

◆ preCreate()

int fBase_c::preCreate ( )

pre method for the create operation.

A PACK_RESULT_e value.

Reimplemented in dBase_c, dBaseActor_c, and dScene_c.

Definition at line 92 of file f_base.cpp.

◆ postCreate()

void fBase_c::postCreate ( MAIN_STATE_e  state)

post method for the create operation.

Reimplemented in dBase_c, dBaseActor_c, and dScene_c.

Definition at line 96 of file f_base.cpp.

◆ doDelete()

int fBase_c::doDelete ( )

do method for the delete operation.

This method was renamed due to conflict with the delete C++ keyword.

A PACK_RESULT_e value.

Reimplemented in dControllerInformation_c, and dYesNoWindow_c.

Definition at line 118 of file f_base.cpp.

◆ preDelete()

int fBase_c::preDelete ( )

pre method for the delete operation.

A PACK_RESULT_e value.

Reimplemented in dBase_c, dBaseActor_c, and dScene_c.

Definition at line 126 of file f_base.cpp.

◆ postDelete()

void fBase_c::postDelete ( MAIN_STATE_e  state)

post method for the delete operation.

Reimplemented in dBase_c, dBaseActor_c, and dScene_c.

Definition at line 142 of file f_base.cpp.

◆ execute()

int fBase_c::execute ( )

do method for the execute operation.

A PACK_RESULT_e value.

Reimplemented in dControllerInformation_c, and dYesNoWindow_c.

Definition at line 168 of file f_base.cpp.

◆ preExecute()

int fBase_c::preExecute ( )

pre method for the execute operation.

A PACK_RESULT_e value.

Reimplemented in dBase_c, dBaseActor_c, and dScene_c.

Definition at line 172 of file f_base.cpp.

◆ postExecute()

void fBase_c::postExecute ( MAIN_STATE_e  state)

post method for the execute operation.

Reimplemented in dBase_c, dBaseActor_c, and dScene_c.

Definition at line 180 of file f_base.cpp.

◆ draw()

int fBase_c::draw ( )

do method for the draw operation.

A PACK_RESULT_e value.

Reimplemented in dControllerInformation_c, and dYesNoWindow_c.

Definition at line 188 of file f_base.cpp.

◆ preDraw()

int fBase_c::preDraw ( )

pre method for the draw operation.

A PACK_RESULT_e value.

Reimplemented in dBase_c, dBaseActor_c, and dScene_c.

Definition at line 192 of file f_base.cpp.

◆ postDraw()

void fBase_c::postDraw ( MAIN_STATE_e  state)

post method for the draw operation.

Reimplemented in dBase_c, dBaseActor_c, and dScene_c.

Definition at line 200 of file f_base.cpp.

◆ deleteReady()

void fBase_c::deleteReady ( )

Informs the base that it's about to be deleted.

Definition at line 208 of file f_base.cpp.

◆ entryFrmHeap()

bool fBase_c::entryFrmHeap ( unsigned long  size,
EGG::Heap parentHeap 

[Unused]. Creates a heap of the given size for the base.

If the requested heap space is not available, the heap is adjusted to allocate all the available memory. If that also fails, the base is deleted.

sizeThe heap's size, or -1 to allocate all available space.
parentHeapThe parent heap, or nullptr to use the current heap.
If the heap creation was successful.

Definition at line 324 of file f_base.cpp.

◆ entryFrmHeapNonAdjust()

bool fBase_c::entryFrmHeapNonAdjust ( unsigned long  size,
EGG::Heap parentHeap 

[Unused]. Creates a heap of the given size for the base.

Unlike entryFrmHeap, the base is immediately deleted if the requested space is not available.

sizeThe heap's size, or -1 to allocate all available space.
parentHeapThe parent heap, or nullptr to use the current heap.
If the heap creation was successful.

Definition at line 408 of file f_base.cpp.

◆ createHeap()

bool fBase_c::createHeap ( )

[Unused]. [Does nothing].

Definition at line 434 of file f_base.cpp.

◆ deleteRequest()

void fBase_c::deleteRequest ( )

Requests deletion of the base.

Calling this function multiple times has no effect.

Definition at line 289 of file f_base.cpp.

◆ getConnectParent()

fBase_c * fBase_c::getConnectParent ( ) const

Gets the base's parent.

Definition at line 303 of file f_base.cpp.

◆ getConnectChild()

fBase_c * fBase_c::getConnectChild ( ) const

Gets the base's first child.

Definition at line 310 of file f_base.cpp.

◆ getConnectBrNext()

fBase_c * fBase_c::getConnectBrNext ( ) const

Gets the base's next sibling.

Definition at line 317 of file f_base.cpp.

◆ checkChildProcessCreateState()

bool fBase_c::checkChildProcessCreateState ( ) const

Checks if the base has at least one child in the CREATING state.

If such a child base exists.

Definition at line 479 of file f_base.cpp.

◆ createPack()

fLiMgPTMF_c fManager_c::m_createManage & fBase_c::createPack ( )

Executes the create operation. See commonPack.

Definition at line 122 of file f_base.cpp.

◆ deletePack()

fLiMgPTMF_c fManager_c::m_deleteManage & fBase_c::deletePack ( )

Executes the delete operation. See commonPack.

Definition at line 164 of file f_base.cpp.

◆ executePack()

fLiMgPTMF_c fManager_c::m_executeManage & fBase_c::executePack ( )

Executes the execute operation. See commonPack.

Definition at line 184 of file f_base.cpp.

◆ drawPack()

fLiMgPTMF_c fManager_c::m_drawManage & fBase_c::drawPack ( )

Executes the draw operation. See commonPack.

Definition at line 204 of file f_base.cpp.

◆ commonPack()

int fBase_c::commonPack ( int(fBase_c::*)()  doFunc,
int(fBase_c::*)()  preFunc,
void(fBase_c::*)(MAIN_STATE_e postFunc 

Executes an operation. See here for more details.

doFuncThe operation's do method.
preFuncThe operation's pre method.
postFuncThe operation's post method.
A PACK_RESULT_e value returned from doFunc, or preFunc if doFunc was not executed.

Definition at line 66 of file f_base.cpp.

◆ connectProc()

fTrMgPTMF_c fManager_c::m_connectManage & fBase_c::connectProc ( )

Executes the connect operation.

This operation carries out the following tasks:

  • Schedule the base (and its children) for deletion if deletion was requested (see mDeleteRequested)
  • Propagate updates to mProcControl on the root base.
  • Update the base's position in the execute and draw lists on priority changes
  • Process any deferred schedule requests (see mDeferExecute and mDeferRetryCreate)
    The operation always returns SUCCEEDED.

Definition at line 212 of file f_base.cpp.

◆ runCreate()

void fBase_c::runCreate ( )

Kickstarts the base's lifecycle by running the create operation.

Definition at line 450 of file f_base.cpp.

◆ getChildProcessCreateState()

fBase_c * fBase_c::getChildProcessCreateState ( ) const

Gets a child of the base in the CREATING state.

The first child satisfying this condition, or nullptr if none is found.

Definition at line 465 of file f_base.cpp.

◆ createChild()

fBase_c * fBase_c::createChild ( ProfileName  profName,
fBase_c parent,
unsigned long  param,
u8  groupType 

Creates a child base under the given parent.

profNameThe base's profile name.
parentThe base's parent. Must not be nullptr .
paramThe base's parameters.
groupTypeThe base's group type.
A pointer to the instantiated base, or nullptr .

Definition at line 511 of file f_base.cpp.

◆ createRoot()

fBase_c * fBase_c::createRoot ( ProfileName  profName,
unsigned long  param,
u8  groupType 

Creates a root base.

profNameThe base's profile name.
paramThe base's parameters.
groupTypeThe base's group type.
A pointer to the instantiated base, or nullptr .

Definition at line 518 of file f_base.cpp.

◆ setTmpCtData()

void fBase_c::setTmpCtData ( ProfileName  profName,
fTrNdBa_c connectParent,
unsigned long  param,
u8  groupType 

Sets temporary data to be used for the next base's construction.

profNameThe base's profile name.
connectParentThe connect node of the base's parent, or nullptr .
paramThe base's parameters.
groupTypeThe base's group type.

Definition at line 483 of file f_base.cpp.

◆ fBase_make()

fBase_c * fBase_c::fBase_make ( ProfileName  profName,
fTrNdBa_c connectParent,
unsigned long  param,
u8  groupType 

Internal function for base construction.

profNameThe base's profile name.
connectParentThe parent base's connect node.
paramThe base's parameters.
groupTypeThe base's group type.
A pointer to the instantiated base, or nullptr .

Definition at line 490 of file f_base.cpp.

Member Data Documentation

◆ mUniqueID

fBaseID_e fBase_c::mUniqueID

The base's unique identifier.

This value is incremented for every created base. Should it max out, the game will intentionally stall.

Definition at line 160 of file f_base.hpp.

◆ mParam

u32 fBase_c::mParam

A bitfield that configures the base's behaviour. [Represents nybbles 5 to 12 of Reggie's spritedata].

Definition at line 161 of file f_base.hpp.

◆ mProfName

ProfileName fBase_c::mProfName

The base's profile name.

Definition at line 162 of file f_base.hpp.

◆ mLifecycleState

u8 fBase_c::mLifecycleState

The base's lifecycle state. Value is a LIFECYCLE_e.

Definition at line 165 of file f_base.hpp.

◆ mDeleteRequested

bool fBase_c::mDeleteRequested

If deletion of the base was requested, but the corresponding operation has not been scheduled yet.

Definition at line 169 of file f_base.hpp.

◆ mDeferExecute

bool fBase_c::mDeferExecute

If the create operation was completed, but scheduling the execute and draw operations isn't possible at this time.

If true, scheduling will be deferred to the next connect operation.

Definition at line 174 of file f_base.hpp.

◆ mDeferRetryCreate

bool fBase_c::mDeferRetryCreate

If the create operation has not been completed, and rescheduling it isn't possible at this time.

If true, rescheduling will be deferred to the next connect operation.

Definition at line 179 of file f_base.hpp.

◆ mGroupType

u8 fBase_c::mGroupType

The base's group type. Value is a GROUP_TYPE_e.

Definition at line 181 of file f_base.hpp.

◆ mProcControl

u8 fBase_c::mProcControl

The operations to be skipped. Value is a PROC_DISABLE_e.

Definition at line 182 of file f_base.hpp.

◆ mMng

fManager_c fBase_c::mMng

The base's process manager.

Definition at line 191 of file f_base.hpp.

◆ mpUnusedHelper

fBaHelper_c* fBase_c::mpUnusedHelper

[Unused]. See Unused Content.

Definition at line 193 of file f_base.hpp.

◆ mUnusedList

fLiMgBa_c fBase_c::mUnusedList

[Unused]. See Unused Content.

Definition at line 194 of file f_base.hpp.

◆ mpHeap

EGG::FrmHeap* fBase_c::mpHeap

[Unused]. The base's dedicated heap.

Definition at line 196 of file f_base.hpp.

◆ sLoadAsyncCallback

int(* fBase_c::sLoadAsyncCallback)()

[Unused]. See Unused Content.

Definition at line 371 of file f_base.hpp.

◆ sUnloadCallback

void(* fBase_c::sUnloadCallback)()

[Unused]. See Unused Content.

Definition at line 372 of file f_base.hpp.

◆ m_rootUniqueID

fBaseID_e fBase_c::m_rootUniqueID = BASE_ID_FIRST

Unique ID counter for base construction. See mUniqueID.

Definition at line 375 of file f_base.hpp.

◆ m_tmpCtParam

u32 fBase_c::m_tmpCtParam

Temporary storage for the next constructed base's params. See mParam.

Definition at line 376 of file f_base.hpp.

◆ m_tmpCtProfName

ProfileName fBase_c::m_tmpCtProfName

Temporary storage for the next constructed base's profile name. See mProfName.

Definition at line 377 of file f_base.hpp.

◆ m_tmpCtGroupType

u8 fBase_c::m_tmpCtGroupType

Temporary storage for the next constructed base's group type. See mGroupType.

Definition at line 378 of file f_base.hpp.

◆ m_tmpCtConnectParent

fTrNdBa_c * fBase_c::m_tmpCtConnectParent

Temporary storage for the next constructed base's parent connect node.

Definition at line 379 of file f_base.hpp.